Business environment and national economic policy is warming up to innovation focused startups. Entrepreneurship is getting recognized as a key skill that needs to be encouraged for the nations economic growth. Jobs in pvt sector and govt sector have been reducing and this again is pushing students to explore startups and entrepreneurship as career goals. Educational institutes offering graduate and post graduate courses (specially Engg and Mgmt) are opening up the idea of encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship by way of curricular and co-curricular activities.
REIN Labs has been working in the region of Navi Mumbai and Mumbai to help wannabe startup teams and students pursuing graduate and post graduate education train themselves in entrepreneurship skills.
Graduate and Post Graduate education institutes need partners with industry expertise to run their Entrepreneurship development cells effectively. Given the background of its founders, its vision to partner Research Innovation and Incubation activities, ideas it has incubated over the years since inception, the systematic curriculum it has developed to run Entrepreneurship development cells and Innovation cells for students, REIN Labs presents itself as a very good partner of choice to help institutes manage their cells and its activities.
REIN Labs has built a range of co-curricular courses for students to encourage and tutor them in building on their own ideas and startup ventures.
The REIN Labs team works with the staff and student leadership to run semester wise programs that begin with orienting students on the changing times, screening their ideas, mentoring the selected projects, helping complete them with guidance and presenting them to industry leaders and VC’s. Through its Industry network, REIN Labs connects industry with promising students for projects that cover product design, idea research, consulting product development, business incubation, etc and helps Institutes generate value for industry, students and themselves.
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