Since inception REIN Labs has been partnering variety of organizations via its Business & Tech Consulting in converting ideas to successful businesses. Some of the incubations you see here have been setup from scratch by REIN Labs team and taken from 0 to Min viable levels.

Uber Content
A content syndication & publishing platform for a) enabling a tab based store selling and store management experience, b) driving traffic through high quality affiliate pages.

A platform based solution solving the e-commerce operations needs of small and medium enterprise sellers.

A solutions company focused on solving information processing to insights problems of corporations.

An ecommerce marketplace for traditional arts products. Focused on providing authentic products to customers and ensuring maximum earnings for the artisans.

A S2ST (Student to Student/Teacher) teaching app focused on making the process of self education easy.

An IOT platform offering mobile based solution to easily manage and optimize Insititutional and home/building power needs.

Goidyll is a tech platform that connects consumers with the retail & service ecosystem and solves their need when it comes to Quality Service, Best Warranty Extension Options, Best Energy Saving Options, Best Upgrades, Best Suitable Accessories & Expert Recommendations. The objective is to change the way the service industry behaves and give a real uncompromised quality service to consumers